Empower Your Voice, Embrace Your Journey - Join Us
Empower Your Voice, Embrace Your Journey - Join Us
The American Miss Pageant Can Tab Collection campaign is open to all delegates. At registration, we'll take a photo of the girls & women who collect can tabs to donate to this cause. The tabs we collect at the AMP registration will help to cover travel costs for families who go to Shriners Children's Hospital in Boston, MA.
As part of the AMP Pageant weekend festivities, AMP holds a silent auction during the Gala dinner. Delegates are asked to donate a gift basket of their choice for the auction. All funds raised at the auction are donated to SHRINERS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. Thank You Shriners Patient Ambassador Maddie Thayer.
American Miss Pageant, LLC
Brenda Pollock, 7 Thunder Road, Saco, Maine 04072