Dear Delegates, Parents/Guardian, A Signature is Required
All delegates/parents/guardians, must follow the rules and regulations of the American Miss Pageant program and agree to the following:
No Refunds. Payments referred to herein shall not be refundable under any circumstances, including but not limited to the termination of this entry for whatever reason.
- The delegate named on the application form must be born a girl, reside or go to school in the state where she competes, and she must participate in her correct age group. Age division is determined on the first day of the AMP pageant.
- In consideration of being accepted as a delegate in the American Miss Pageant I, (if 18 years & older) or we, the parents and/or guardians of the delegate, do hereby release American Miss Pageants, its staff, subsidiaries, associate companies involved in the production, directors, subsidiaries, parent companies, assigns, employees and servants from any and all claims and damages directly or indirectly resulting from named delegate participating in the American Miss Pageant events.
- I, (if 18 years & older) or we the parents and/or guardians of the delegate, give permission to American Miss Pageant and its affiliates, to use the delegate's photographs, speeches, testimonials, videos, etc., for publicity purposes and future materials.
- It is agreed and understood that any and all pageant fees, in addition to the optional competition fees and sponsorship fees, are non-refundable without exception.
- Delegates are not required to sign an AMP contract restricting them from participating in other pageant programs but are encouraged to promote the AMP program and return to crown their successor.
- Delegates and their families may not hold the host facility or the American Miss Pageant staff, accountable for lost or stolen items during the AMP event.
- Poor sportsmanship in any form, will not be tolerated and may be grounds for immediate disqualification without refunds. No exceptions.
- Delegates/Parents/Guardians must agree to the AMP Rules & Regulations by clicking the SUBMIT button or sign the agreement document at pageant registration in person.
In consideration of being accepted as a state delegate in the AMP National Pageant, we, the delegates 18 and over, the parents and/or guardians of the minor delegate, do hereby release American Miss Pageant, its staff, subsidiaries, associate companies involved in the production, directors, subsidiaries, parent companies, assigns, employees and servants from any and all claims and damages directly or indirectly resulting from named delegate participating in the American Miss Pageant events.